Trivelope Trainers


Master of Science in Skills and Workforce Development,
Certified Trainer, Curriculum Developer and Assessor, WSQ DACE, ACTA
Trainer, Classroom Facilitation Skills for Team Leader, On-The-Job Training Blueprint Course

As a former Regional Director in Marketing, Communications and HRD, Benny’s training and consulting expertise includes: designing and managing company-wide learning and development initiatives, leadership, organisation design, integrated marketing, communications strategies, branding, developing and rolling-out HR policies, soft skills development, SOPs for in-house approved training organisation, curriculum design and development, overseas franchise, performance management system, attaining Business Excellence Initiative: Service Class award for organisations. 

Benny’s wealth of experience as a practitioner; researcher, coupled with his multiple certifications have proven to be rich resources for his clients and training sessions. Under his strategic foresight, several organisations have progressed towards their desired business growth and optimal performance.